November 2016

What kinds of injuries can be dangerous or even fatal?

Accidents, also known among the doctors as unintentional injuries, are at present the 4th leading cause of death in America and have proven to be the leading cause of death for those between the ages 1 to 44. The federal and state-level road safety & transportation authorities state that highway crashes alone have an annual damage and repairs cost that totals to more than $800 billion in economic loss and social harm. While the danger of the speeding also…

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Understanding what is a Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)

In order to get a better understanding of what is a stroke and how it should be prevented, it’s important to know a few things about it. It is far more often happening to females rather than males (on a ratio of 60 to 40), which means that women should be especially careful to avoid that… If described, in short, the cerebrovascular diseases are conditions that come up as a result of issues and blockages with the blood vessels that supply the brain. Four of the most…

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Alzheimer’s disease

Everyone knows that the Alzheimer disease is one of the most dangerous and catastrophic diseases that people in the US ever face. While this is true and among the leading causes of death it stands at an infamous spot number 6, there were a lot of researches and tests performed during the last decade, which made treating and even curing it far more efficient than ever before in the history of mankind. Once more, this one strikes females much more often than males (on a ratio of 25 to 75)…

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Influenza and pneumonia

These 2 diseases, commonly (and mistakenly) referred to with the umbrella terms like “flu” or “cold” are actually the harsh stages of the condition. Responsible for millions of deaths before and after the dawn of the modern medicine for tens of thousands still, Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious viral infection that is one of the most severe illnesses of the winter season. The reason influenza is more active in the winter was never truly uncovered by the experts yet. However ..

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Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis)

When it comes to a list of the most widespread diseases among men, the kidneys issues stand in the top 5. Partly this can be attributed to some of the lifestyle and physiological differences between a median US male and female. If described, in short, any chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood as well as healthy kidneys typically do. Because of that, waste from the blood remains in the body and can…

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